Usually, I have a lot to say, but writing a short BIO brings on silence, however, urged on, here I go.
Where to start and how to be real.....
My working life has spanned Australia, Britain, Italy and Germany. Apart from working holiday jobs as a bartender (not my strength as I got everyone very drunk), hotel maid (too many men wanted more than the breakfast tray), switchboard operator (often had four people online at once end not by choice), and waitress (not even going there), I have enjoyed being a journalist and then a secondary school teacher (English, History, Law, Drama and Women's Studies). I had to fight for an education and want it it for everyone.
About 2021, I gave up teaching due to burn out, diagnosed as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Good days and Not-So-Good days. Occasionally, I proofread online for clients, but prefer to write my own material. I have written two novels and a non-fiction, all unpublished so far. In addition, I have one long novel and one cozy mystery at editing stage. As you can see, finishing a book isn't my forte. Dragging my feet there, because a bout of Depression visits now and then.
I am a child-free cat lady, and vegetarian idealist. I'd like to go full-on vegan but failed three times so far, because soy yoghurt resembles thick glue and takes much the same.
Politics particularly interests me. I am an avid reader of both non-fiction and fiction. This year has taken me through a study of serial killers, prisons, the death penalty, solitary confinement, murder groupies, abnormal psychology, and the mafia. It concerns me how much true crime we consume on page and screen. But I'm part of it.
My pet hates, as we said when I was a teenager, are racism, misogyny, Rightwing politics, religious bigotry, willful ignorance, and violence to human being or animal. Domestic violence lays in a category all on its own.
My music tastes are mired in the 1970s, ala Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple and Jimmy Hendrix. I'm happily trapped there.
I hope that wasn't too boring.